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Beauty Pie+ Starter
per year (less than $3.50 per month)
Membership Benefits:
UNLOCK ACCESS to members' prices on high-end products, direct from our beauty warehouse
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Beauty Pie+
per year (less than $5 per month)
Membership Benefits:
UNLOCK ACCESS to members' prices on high-end products, direct from our beauty warehouse. Plus free gifts, samples and more…
FREE SHIPPING for orders over $40
WELCOME GIFT worth $60+*
Choice of ANNIVERSARY GIFT each year
Order as often as you want
PLUS access to Beauty Candy Deals, Free Shipping Weekends, Sample Sales and more
Find out more about Beauty Pie
*Savings based on Traditional Retail, more information available here.
**Learn more about Beauty Pie member perks here. New members only
1 Membership automatically renews. Cancellation information here.