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Beauty Pie

Does your microbiome need a makeover?

Written by Lottie Winter

24 Jun 2024


Feeling a bit bloated? Battling blemishes? Is your digestion a mess? It might be time to give your gut microbiome a makeover. 

In case you’re not familiar, think of your microbiome as a thriving community populated by tiny organisms—bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes. This fascinating ecosystem plays a vital role in maintaining your overall health, particularly in relation to digestion and skin health.

When it comes to digestion, the gut microbiome acts as your personal digestive aid, breaking down food, synthesising essential vitamins, and ensuring everything moves along smoothly. A balanced microbiome means optimal digestion, while an imbalance can lead to issues like bloating or discomfort.

Your gut microbiome is equally as important for skin health, and there is a strong connection between your gut and your skin, known as the gut-skin axis. A healthy gut microbiome can contribute to clearer, healthier skin. On the flip side, an imbalanced gut can manifest as skin problems such as acne, eczema, or inflammation.

How can I support my microbiome?

To maintain a healthy gut microbiome, it is beneficial to consume a diet rich in fibre, fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods. This supports the growth of beneficial microbes, which in turn promote better digestion and contribute to a glowing complexion. 

It’s also a great idea to take a probiotic supplement full of ‘good’ bacteria’ that can help to restore the gut microflora to optimum health, like our two NEW Supergut™ formulas - Supergut™ Digestion+ Formula and Supergut™ Great Skin Formula

Beauty Pie Supergut

What happened to the original Supergut™?

If you’re a Supergut™ fan, you’ll know that we used to have one Supergut™ formula but we wanted our formula to be as targeted as possible, and also use the latest research available, which shows that different strains of bacteria are particularly effective at supporting your skin and your digestion. It quickly became clear to us that the very best approach would be to create two different formulas, which can be used independently or together. 

What’s the difference between the two new formulas? 

Just like the original Supergut™ formula, they each have three different microbiome-supporting strains of good bacteria, but the biggest difference is what those specific strains are. Supergut™ Great Skin Formula  contains: L. Reuteri,  L. Rhamnosus and L. Plantarum. Supergut™ Digestion+ Formula contains Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Subtilis, and Saccharomyces Boulardii + digestive enzymes. 

If you’re prone to blemishes, congested skin or redness, the strains in Great Skin have been shown to support healthy, happy skin. If you’re prone to discomfort after eating, the strains in Digestion+ have been shown to support healthy digestion. It really depends whether your biggest focus is supporting your digestion, or the health of your skin - or both! 

Can I use both formulas together?

Yes - you can absolutely use the new formulas together! They are 100% compatible with each other. But you will still get great microbiome supporting benefits if you just take one by itself. 

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